Easter is the day we celebrate Jesus Christ, our Savior, risen from the dead, having defeated sin and death for all humankind. The Easter story can be found in John 20. The core of what we believe as Christians culminates at this celebration, for because of Christ's sacrifice and resurrection, we have the opportunity to be with God in eternal glory, if we choose to believe and have faith in the Son (John 3:16).
What is the Season of Lent?
Lent is the forty-day season before Easter (excluding Sundays, which are “little Easters,” days of joyful anticipation for Easter), beginning with Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Saturday. These forty days are symbolic of the forty days that Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness after his baptism and before his ministry began. During Lent, we take on prayer and a sort of fasting in our own lives to emulate Jesus’ example. Ash Wednesday begins this forty-day fast, with an imposition of ashes in a cross symbol on our foreheads. This reminds us of Jesus' sacrifice we celebrate at the end of Lent (Holy Week) and the risen Christ on Easter morning.
Linked to the right is the Lent devotional booklet that the church has put together as a spiritual guide for these forty days. As a church, during worship and small group studies, we will study Simon Peter: Flawed but Faithful.
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