Project Transformation Mission Week

Daily, from 07/15/2024 to 07/18/2024, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Project Transformation is a mission of the Central Texas Conference, which we have supported for four years. Project Transformation hires college-age interns to run the summer program for children who need help with literacy skills. The program also includes meals, TAG time (Talk About God), crafts, outside movement time, and other learning experiences. Our church will be in charge of bringing reading volunteers to read with the children from 10-noon, Monday through Thursday of our adopted week, July 15-18. We will also provide meals for the interns that week, and help with the End-of-Summer Celebration. This is our summer "mission trip"-- it's close to home and benefits families in our community. Register here to help out in any way with Project Transformation:

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